<span class="projectContainerHeading">Client: </span>MAHESH SINGHI<br /><br />
<span class="projectContainerHeading">LOCATION: </span>POWAI, MUMBAI <br /><br />
<span class="projectContainerHeading">AREA: </span> 3000 sq. ft <br /><br />
A perfect meeting of minds between a designer and his clients resulted in this home for a family whose head expressed a desire for a space that would equally harbor living and socializing facilities.<br /><br />
This apartment was a glamorous one with a definite spatial quality. Two kinds of seating were incorporated in the living room; a formal seating space and a low South East Asia inspired seating. This apartmet had a spectacular view of the Powai Lake and lush green forests. All rooms were tailor made to suit the needs of the client.<br /><br />
Art work was acquired from various artists like Gautam and Ranjeet Khurmi which enlivened the whole space. Selected furniture was fabricated at its artistic best.